Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
The Story of the A.I.A.: Artists International Association 1933-1953.
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Year-by-year survey of texts photographs and documentation. Includes a dozen brief if useful references to Moore's participation in A.I.A. exhibitions and texts.
Page 42 reproduces a 1937 Broadsheet signed by Moore and others and incorporating a drawing by Henry Moore. The document calls for intervention by artists poets and intellectuals. It was produced for the Artists' International Congress and Exhibition held at 41 Grosvenor Square (See 0009175)."
Bib. Number0001097
The Story of the A.I.A.: Artists International Association 1933-1953.
PublisherMuseum of Modern Art
Place PublishedOxford
Date & Collation(3 April-22 May).96pp.Illus.Written and compiled by Lynda MORRIS and Robert RADFORD.
More InformationExhibition touring Cartwright Hall (Bradford) 16 July-4 September 1983, Midland Group (Nottingham) 15 October-20 November 1983, Ferens Art Gallery (Hull) 26 November 1983-8 January 1984, Fruit Market Gallery (Edinburgh) 21 January-25 February 1984, Camden Arts Centre (London) 16 March-22 April 1984. The Artists International Association was born out of the social and political conflicts of the thirties...it continued until 1971 although from the mid 1950s it had lost its original radical political impetus..."Year-by-year survey of texts photographs and documentation. Includes a dozen brief if useful references to Moore's participation in A.I.A. exhibitions and texts.
Page 42 reproduces a 1937 Broadsheet signed by Moore and others and incorporating a drawing by Henry Moore. The document calls for intervention by artists poets and intellectuals. It was produced for the Artists' International Congress and Exhibition held at 41 Grosvenor Square (See 0009175)."