Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Art du Vingtième Siècle. Kunst van de Twintigste Eeuw. Arts of the Twentieth Century.
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141-143(3 illus) Henry Moore: three Bronzes 1953-1958.
The text consists of a compact brief survey of Moore's career.
Bib. Number0003054
Art du Vingtième Siècle. Kunst van de Twintigste Eeuw. Arts of the Twentieth Century.
PublisherPalais des Beaux-Arts
Place PublishedBrussels
Date & Collation(14 July-4 Sept).208pp.Illus.Biog.Bibliog.Introduction by Philippe ROBERTS-JONES.Catalogue by Francine-Claire LEGRAND(painting), Pierre BAUDSON(sculpture).Text in Dutch, English and French.
More InformationWorks by over 100 artists from the Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, chosen from the foreign schools of the Modern Art department.141-143(3 illus) Henry Moore: three Bronzes 1953-1958.
The text consists of a compact brief survey of Moore's career.