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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore présente ses éléphants au Musée Rodin. (Henry Moore presents his elephants at the Musée Rodin).

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Henry Moore présente ses éléphants au Musée Rodin. (Henry Moore presents his elephants at the Musée Rodin).
Image Not Available for Henry Moore présente ses éléphants au Musée Rodin. (Henry Moore presents his elephants at the Musée Rodin).
Bib. Number0004538

Henry Moore présente ses éléphants au Musée Rodin. (Henry Moore presents his elephants at the Musée Rodin).

Author/EditorMARCHAND Sabine.
Place PublishedParis
Date & Collation(19 March)..(1 illus).Text in French.
More InformationShort enthusiastic exhibition (See 0004500) review describing gift of the Elephant Skull, and Moore's use of it to transform reality into a magical vision.