Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Report of the Trustees for the Year 1 April 1953 to 31 March 1954 with a brief survey of the period 1 January 1938 to 31 March 1953.
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Moore also signed the Preamble with others as Trustee. He is mentioned in the text in passing, and has two dozen works listed in the Acquisitions 1938-53 Lists.
Bib. Number0007761
Report of the Trustees for the Year 1 April 1953 to 31 March 1954 with a brief survey of the period 1 January 1938 to 31 March 1953.
Author/EditorTate Gallery.
Place PublishedLondon
Date & Collationvi,90pp.8 plates.
More InformationPlate 8(1 illus) Henry Moore: Family Group, 1949 bronze.Moore also signed the Preamble with others as Trustee. He is mentioned in the text in passing, and has two dozen works listed in the Acquisitions 1938-53 Lists.