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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

1930 London, Zwemmer Gallery, Drawings and Sculpture by Some Contemporary Sculptors

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1930 London, Zwemmer Gallery, Drawings and Sculpture by Some Contemporary Sculptors
1930 London, Zwemmer Gallery, Drawings and Sculpture by Some Contemporary Sculptors
1930 London, Zwemmer Gallery, Drawings and Sculpture by Some Contemporary Sculptors

1930 London, Zwemmer Gallery, Drawings and Sculpture by Some Contemporary Sculptors

26 November 1930 - 13 December 1930
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This small group exhibition took place at the Zwemmer Gallery, Charing Cross Road, London, 26th November - 13th December 1930. It contrasted the works of four sculptors: Jacob Epstein, Frank Dobson, Henry Moore and the late Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, who had been killed in action during World War I. The catalogue contains a forward written by R.H. Wilenski, an early supporter and patron of Moore's 'monumental vision', who would go on to write the first major critical assessment of Moore's work. The essay was published in Apollo Magazine, a highly respected international art magazine, in December of the same year.

The drawings Moore exhibited can only be tentatively identified, as only titles are listed as follows:

37. Seated Woman £10 10s 0d
38. Woman in Chair £10 10s 0d
39. Reclining Woman £9 9s 0d
40/41. Drawings for Sculpture:
Reclining Figures £15 15s 0d
Woman on Steps £14 14s 0d