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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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5,854 results for shelter drawings
Publisher: Stuttgarter Zeitung
Place Published: Stuttgart
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: (11 May)..(1 illus).Text in German.
Description: Brief report on opening of Stuttgart exhibition (See 0005383).
Author/Editor: ROTTGER F.
Publisher: Neue Württembergische Zeitung Göppinger Kreisnachrichten
Place Published: Göppingen
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: (27 May)..Text in German.
Description: Appreciative review of Moore exhibition (See 0005383) outlining events leading to discovery of shelterers, and how Moore depicts the limbo between life and death rather than the horrors of war. Draws associations with caverns and with classical depictions of sleepers. Praises use of materials and colour.
Publisher: Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg
Place Published: Stuttgart
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: (28 June)..Initialled Md. Text in German.
Description: Exhibition review (See 0005383) concentrating on Moore's wartime experiences in the Underground: his impressions of the scene; working methods and materials.
Publisher: Stuttgarter Leben
Place Published: Stuttgart
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: (June-July)..(2 illus).Initialled E.F. Text in German.
Description: Enthusiastic review of exhibition (See 0005383) describing Moore's discovery of the shelterers, working methods, and sculptural quality of the drawings. Mentions appearance in exhibition of Draped Reclining Woman, 1957-1958 bronze.
Author/Editor: LEYGRAF Willy.
Publisher: S.W.F.-Kulturmagazin
Place Published: Baden-Baden
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: 53 2-5.Text in German.
Description: Typewriter script of Südwestfunk's Kulturelles Wort programme transmitted on 16 May 1967 on Channel 2 between 21.30 and 22.30 hours. Editor Peter W. Jansen. Stuttgart's Draped Reclining Woman, 1957-1958 bronze joined the drawings on display in the Gallery. Quotes Petermann's text from the catalogue (See 0005383). Describes Moore's chance discovery of the shelterers, his method of making notes, and the techniques of the sketchbooks and larger drawings, including the use of colour. The works are seen as drawings in their own right , rather than reportage, or even sculptor's drawings. Quotes Moore on their relation to Greek tragedy.
Publisher: National Galerie der Staatlichen Museen
Place Published: Berlin
Year: 1984
Date & Collation: .80pp(125 illus).Biog.Text in German.
Description: Exhibition also at Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig; Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden.
British Council and Henry Moore Foundation exhibition of 102 Drawings 1939-1942 and four Bronzes 1939-1946.
5 MOORE Henry. Letter.
(27 Oct 1983 noting his pleasure at the exhibition in four cities in the G.D.R. of drawings produced in the war).
7-9 GEISMEIER Willi. Zum Geleit.
(Introduction. Incorporates published statements by Moore in outlining his influences, sculptural form, the human figure, nature, drawing, abstraction).
10-16 ANDREWS Julian. Henry Moore und das War Artists' Advisory Committee.
(Describes the Shelter and Coal Mining Sketch Books and the larger drawings. Outlines Moore's position in relation to the W.A.A.C. and quotes Moore's description of his chance discovery of shelterers when forced to take refuge in Belsize Park station. The workings of the Committee, the methods used by artists and the exhibition programme are given in some detail. Moore began to lose interest in the shelters as they became more organised. The offer of a commission to record work at Medical Aid Posts did not come to fruition; instead Moore carried out a series of drawings of coal miners by going down a pit in his home town of Castleford. Moore's views on the physical effort and the concentration on drawing male figures follows, together with the contrasts of light and darkness. A final commission on Objects Dropped from the Air was not completed, but Moore maintained his connections with the authorities).
17-20 GARROULD Ann. Henry Moore: eine persönliche Reminiszenz.
(Henry Moore: a personal reminiscence. Describes the daily routine of the Moore's living in Kent at the outbreak of the war. Moore was too old to enlist and when Kent was declared a restricted area, they moved to Hampstead, where Moore experienced the scenes in the underground. When their Hampstead flat was seriously damaged in an air rai d they bought Hoglands from where Moore travelled into town to continue his work as a war artist. Ann Garrould recalls childhood memories of lending her wax crayons to her uncle. These provided the base of his techniques in the underground drawings. Moore worked on the Coal Mine drawings and, at the end of the war, on the Northampton Madonna and Child commission).
21-35 Bildtafeln. (Colour plates).
36-42 Biografie.
43-78 Verzeichnis der ausgestellten Werke (Index of exhibited works).
Publisher: British Museum
Place Published: London
Year: 1988
Date & Collation: .1pp.
Description: Press and Public Relations Office press release/Private View notice, 9 Nov 1988.Henry Moore's shelter drawings are among the most haunting visual images to have emerged from the Second World War."
Publisher: British Museum
Place Published: London
Year: 1988
Date & Collation: 1pp.
Description: Education Service list of lectures and films during November and December relating to the exhibition (See 0000179). Includes two gallery talks:
John Reeve. Images of war: Moore, Brandt, Topolski, Ardizzone.
Ann Garrould. Henry Moore, the shelter drawings: an introduction.
And a slide lecture: Ebrahim Alkazi. Henry Moore: sculptor of the Apocalypse.
Publisher: Norsk Sivilforsvarsblad
Place Published: Oslo
Year: 1968
Date & Collation: 11(1) Cover,24-29(5 illus).Text in Norwegian.
Description: Short text on Moore's War Drawings from the London Underground stations and Tilbury bunker, in the magazine of Sivilforsvarets Sentralledelse (Civil Defence Central Comand). Abridged version of article by Evelyn WEISS in Z.B. October 1967 (See 0005583), with basically the same illustrations.
Author/Editor: RUF Beatrix.
Publisher: Bodensee Hefte
Place Published: Goldach
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: (May)..Text in German.
Description: Review of Ittingen exhibition (See 0016097) explaining Moore's role as an official war artist. The influence of sculpture on his drawings, the concern for general human suffering rather than individual causes, use of colour. Timeless documentation of war and humanity.
Publisher: Kunstmuseum
Place Published: Thurgau
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 70pp.Illus.Text in German.
Description: Home-made spiral-bound booklet of photocopies of press coverage of exhibition (See 0016097). These reviews are entered separately in the newspaper and periodicals section of this Bibliography.
Publisher: Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau
Place Published: Warth
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: (15 May-10 July).12pp(19 illus).Biog.Bibliog.Preface by Markus LANDERT.Texts by Frances CAREY, Henry MOORE.Text in German.
Description: The texts are adapted from the 1988 British Museum/Prestel A Shelter Sketchbook (See 0011053).
Publisher: Kultur-Blätter
Place Published: Konstanz
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 373 1994(28 May-10 June) Cover,31(2 illus).Text in German.
Description: Short review of Ittingen exhibition (See 0016097).
Publisher: Schweiser Radio D.R.S. 2
Place Published: Zurich
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 10 mins.In German.Sound recording.
Description: 16 May 1994 broadcast coinciding with exhibition (See 0016097). Interviewer gives background information on Moore's wartime experiences with the shelterers and talks to Reinhard Rudolph from the Henry Moore Foundation. Quotes Moore on his fascination for the scenes in the Underground. Rudolph describes the artist's method of absorbing the scene and making brief notes, then producing the drawings from memory the next day at Much Hadham.
The sketchbooks and large drawings are described, and comparisons are made with the photographs of Bill Brandt. The humanism in Moore's portrayal of the collective situation, rather than portraits of individuals.
Markus Landert, curator of the Thurgauer Kunstmuseum, comments on the relevance of the works fifty years later.
Publisher: Rupertinum
Place Published: Salzburg
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 49pp.Illus.In German.
Description: Home-made book of photocopies of press cuttings, photographs, and publicity for 0016085. Each item is documented with a separate entry in this Bibliography.
Cover title: Henry Moore.
Publisher: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Place Published: Stuttgart
Year: 1967
Date & Collation: (May-June).40pp(27 illus).Bibliog.Texts by E.PETERMANN, Robert MELVILLE.Text in German.Catalogue entries by Karin v.MAUR.
Description: 121 Drawings 1940-1943. Exhibition of facsimile edition of the Sketchbook issued by Marlborough and Rembrandt-Verlag (See 0005394). Melville's text is a German translation of his introduction to the Marlborough catalogue. 26 larger drawings were exhibited in addition to 95 from the Sketchbook. Petermann sets the background for the exhibition, surveys previous writing on the War Drawings, and discusses the aesthetic content of the drawings in relation to Moore's other work. The catalogue entries are very detailed, giving the titles in German and English, and with full details of ownership, exhibitions, bibliography.
Publisher: Kultur-Blätter
Place Published: Konstanz
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 372 1994..(1 illus).Text in German.
Description: Describes contents of forthcoming Ittingen exhibition (See 0016097).
Publisher: Rathaus
Place Published: Dillingen-Saar
Year: 1988
Date & Collation: (23 Sept-17 Oct).4pp card(1 illus).In German.
Description: Invitation to opening on 23 September 1988 of exhibition of facsimiles of Moore's shelter drawings. No catalogue published. At the time of the exhibition a book display about Henry Moore was arranged in Dillinger Stadtbücherei.
Author/Editor: ZUCKRIEGL Margit.
Publisher: Weltkunst
Place Published: Munich
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: (15 July)..(3 illus).Text in German.
Description: Rupertinum exhibition (See 0016085).
Publisher: Schweizer Kulturkalendar
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: 1(5)..(1 illus).Text in German.
Description: Announces the Ittingen exhibition (See 0016097).
Publisher: British Museum
Place Published: London
Year: 1989
Date & Collation: 1pp card.
Description: List of Gallery Talks and Slide lectures in association with the exhibition (See 0000179):
6 Jan 1989 VANAGS Patsy. Henry Moore and Greek Sculpture.
13 Jan 1989 REEVE John. Henry Moore: the shelter drawings.
20 Jan 1989 REEVE John. Henry Moore and the war artists.
27 Jan 1989 REEVE John. Henry Moore: the shelter drawings.
3 Feb 1989 GARROULD Ann. Henry Moore: the shelter drawings.
10 Feb 1989 VANAGS Patsy: Henry Moore and Greek Sculpture.
6 Jan 1989 ANDREWS Julian. Henry Moore: the shelter drawings.
13 Jan 1989 HARRIES Susie. Henry Moore and the war artists in World War Two.
20 Jan 1989 DARRACOTT Joseph. Henry Moore and his contemporaries.
27 Jan 1989 GREEN Oliver. London Transport at war.
3 Feb 1989 GARROULD Ann. Henry Moore and his environment.
No recordings or transcripts of these talks are available.
Author/Editor: WHEATLEY Amanda
Publisher: The Open University
Place Published: Bucks
Year: 2009
Date & Collation: 2009(March)129pp.illus
Description: Dissertation submitted as part of MA in Cultural and Media Studies for The Open University. Discussion of Moore's drawings throughout with several illustrations of Shelter Drawings included.
Author/Editor: LEWIS Adrian.
Publisher: Jong Holland
Place Published: Zwolle
Year: 1996
Date & Collation: 12(2) 12-22,61-62(9 Moore illus).Text in Dutch, summary in English.
Description: Henry Moore's description of his chance encounter with shelterers during an air raid. The commissioning of 28 large-scale drawings by the War Artists Advisory Committee. In fact Moore neeeded urgently to find a wartime motif to effect a standing offer of patronage. He was unable to buy sculptural materials, and sculptors were not elibible for WAAC Commission.
The drawings were the result of considerable distance, artifice and transformation rather than an immediate response to reality.
Nine further illustrations: by Edward Ardizzone, Edmund Kapp, Olga Lehmann, Frances Macdonald, and Feliks Topolski depict more variety of shelter, action, pose, gesture, grouping, and sleeping situations.
Cites Keith Vaughan's contemporary review of 1943 (See 0008984) that Londoners confronted with Moore's images felt baffled and insulted. Henry Moore's pictures were worked into the Blitz mythology of heroic resistance.
See also 0019446.
Publisher: Thurgauer Volkszeitung
Place Published: Frauenfeld
Year: 1994
Date & Collation: (14 May)..(2 illus).Text in German.
Description: Short feature on 0016097. Also in Bischofzeller Nachrichten on 14 May 1994 and Thurgauer Tagblatt 19 May 1994.