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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Author/Editor: MOORE Henry.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: Print album.
Description: Portfolio of a total of 17 Etchings 1972-1974 (Cramer 196-201, 225-235) in a total edition of 95. Text by Henry MOORE: Sheep have always had some special meaning for me more so than cows or horses whether it is that I saw them as a boy in parts of the Yorkshire landscape or whether it's from reading in the Bible in early childhood where sheep have a special mention and not horses for instance I really would not like to say." The artist recalls how he retreated to a studio looking out on sheep while sculpture was being packed for a large exhibition. "Being like sheep they looked like sheep they had a sheepish look and they would just stare and stand still for nearly five minutes you could say in a professional manner so that I could spend longer trying to draw them..." The sketch book takes them through the lambing mother and child season through shearing with "the sheep looking less attractive less like sheep". Observation developed the sheep from simple balls of wool to more sophisticated studies. Etching produced a more sensitive line than drawing. Moore then provides a brief description of the works in the album and concludes with a note on his love of drawing and his use of forms from nature."
Author/Editor: MOORE Henry.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: Print album.
Description: Portfolio of five Lithographs 1974 (Cramer 356-360) in a total edition of 75. Preface by Henry MOORE. Short text describing how he was dissatisfied with some Helmet Head drawings and tore them up, only to realise the power of the single eye in the fragments. They were mounted collage form in a sketchbook. The Spanish Prisoner, 1939 lithograph is recalled, together with the first Helmet Head sculpture of 1940. Whilst working on these new prints I surrounded the head fragments with frames or window openings to give them the suggestion of soldiers observing the enemy from concealed positions behind battlements.""
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: (April-June).34pp(35 illus).Text by Arnold KOHLER in French (Henry Moore et la création de l'imaginaire).Statements by Henry MOORE in English.
Description: 39 Prints 1951-1975 and 11 Bronzes 1955-1975, all small pieces, maquettes or working models. Kohler describes the rich variety of works on exhibit, principally the inspirational sources of the prints.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: 32pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Liste 56, of 243 items by many artists.
13-14,17,31(11 illus) Henry Moore: 17 entries 1950-1975.