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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore: Mystere de la gravure

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Henry Moore: Mystere de la gravure
Henry Moore: Mystere de la gravure
Henry Moore: Mystere de la gravure

Henry Moore: Mystere de la gravure

Artwork TypePortfolio Summary
Catalogue NumberPOR 65
Ownershipportfolio summary - see individual publications for ownership
More Information

repères/daniel lelong éditeur [Galerie Maeght Lelong, Paris]

Published as an exhibition catalogue with an introduction in French by Jean Frémon and twenty-four entries with illustrations in black and white of Moore’s prints.

210 × 150mm: 18 unnumbered pages in three signatures of 2 and two of 6, plus endpapers, bound in a paper cover bearing a detail from Six Heads: Olympians 1982 (CGM 657) printed in colour and the title and publication details printed in black on the front, fig.423, the title on the spine and a further detail from CGM 657 on the back.


The catalogue was produced in an edition of 1500 numbered examples of which the first 25,

numbered 1 to 25, are accompanied by Reclining Figure: Bone 1982 (CGM 652).

Designed by Jean-Claude Paint. Text printed by Imprimerie Moderne du Lion, Paris.

CGM 652 was printed by J.E. Wolfensberger, Zurich

ExhibitionsPublished References
PO 1987.04
10 February 1987 to 21 March 1987
PO 1980.09
1 July 1980 to 30 September 1980
Gravures (Etchings)
PO 1977.09
16 July 1977 to 30 September 1977
De la Moore la Hirst 
60 de ani de sculptură britanică
PO 2004.04
17 December 2004 to 27 February 2005