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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Artwork TypeDrawing
Catalogue NumberHMF 81(362) verso
Date Order NumberAG 81.336
Papercream heavyweight wove, top edge deckled
Dimensionspaper: 81 x 161 mm
Inscriptionballpoint pen (vertically, not in artist's hand) RE-PROOF. LIGHTER COLOUR (2 circled); pencil (continued from HMF 81(363) verso) closed only the/(essense (sic) of the crossed out) a subject/essentials stand/out, & the (intention crossed out)/details disappear/& although the/rationalistic/proportions go/wrong – yet as/in a good caricature,/the peculiar/character is/emphasied/etc/etc
OwnershipThe Henry Moore Foundation: acquired 1987
More Information

Moore made a first draft of his explanation of what he called his 'shut-eye' technique on the versos of HMF 81(363) and HMF 81(362) - originally one piece of lithographic proof.

'As students, a group of us used to play a game called Shut-eye golf. Some years later remebering this I amused myself on occasions by drawing without looking at the lines I was making on the paper and this led to drawing an idea with my eyes closed - a simple subject - say a woman reading or a mother holding a child - a man smoking - with one's eyes closed only the essentials of a subject stand out and the details disappear and although the rationalistic proportions go wrong - yet as in a good caricature, the peculiar character is emphasised.'

ExhibitionsPublished References
HMF 2551 verso
HMF 2566 verso
HMF 2555 verso
HMF 2568 verso
HMF 2887 verso
c.1937, c.1956
HMF 2556 verso
HMF 2557 verso
HMF 2554 verso
HMF 2552 verso
HMF 2564 verso
HMF 2886 verso
c.1938, c.1956
HMF 2549 verso