Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
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Article outlining the current plight of the British Council, stated by Chief Executive, Scott McDonald, as being in "constant threat of insolvency" and facing "financial peril" and its plans to allieviate the situation by selling some of its £200m art collection. Half of the collection, comprising of 9,000 pieces in total, is protected by agreements preventing their sale but any work without such an agreement is at potential risk. Although no official list of artworks for sale has yet been published, works by artists such as Duncan Grant, Ben Nicholson and an alabaster sculpture by Henry Moore are reported to be items that could be sold. The article discusses how an emergency loan from the Foreign Office during the pandemic era with interest payments of £14m per year has crippled the British Council who are calling for urgent action from the British Government to help ensure it's future.
Discusses the surprising similarities between the two artists in both their personal history and their working methods and insprations, comparing both artist's love of nature and the natural world.
Interesting insights into the works selected and the logistics of installing the exhibition from Iris Amizlev, Curator at the Montreal Museum of Fine Art's.
In contrast to Moore's monumental sculptures Moore in Miniature showcases works by Moore that "could fit in to the palm of the hand".
Museum Director, Chris Stephens, discusses the exhibition and the selection of works which explore Moore's key themes across each decade of his career from the 1920's to the 1930's.
Special mention is given to the collection of small terracotta heads that are on display for the first time.
Mary Moore is quoted, reinforcing the importance of Moore's small scale modelling as part of his overall sculpture process.
Article publicising the exhibition Henry Moore in Greece at the Gagosian Gallery in Athens, 12 September 2024 - 26 October 2024.
Drawing on Moore's fascination with Greece and Greek art, which was hugely inspired by his one and only visit to Greece in 1951, the article outlines the impact that Moore had on the people of Greece and young Greek artists at the the time, and reflects on his trip and inspirations.
The success of this latest exhibition is reflected upon by Gagosian Gallery director Christina Papadopoulou, who speaks of the close relationship between Moore and the Greek people and the desire for the younger generation to connect with his work.
Catalogue for sale at Sotheby's London, with eleven Moore works offered.
Lot 5: Standing Figures, 1940 (HMF 1511)
Lot 12: Family Group, 1945 (LH 235 cast b)
Lot 16: Mother and Child, 1952 (LH 314)
Lot 305: Four Sleeping Children, Page from Shelter Sketchbook, 1941 (HMF 1751)
Lot 344: Three-Quarter Figure, 1950 (HMF 2596)
Lot 347: Madonna and Child, 1943 (LH 219 cast 3)
Lot 348.:Seated Nude, 1928 (HMF 571)
Lot 354: Cover design for 'Listen' Magazine', 1957 (HMF 2965)
Lot 355: Bone Constructions 1934-35 (HMF 1134a)
Lot 356: Fourteen Studies for Reclining Figure 1934-35 (HMF 1134c)
Lot 357: Studies for Spiky Form 1934-35 (HMF 1134b)
Title as printed: La chaise de 'AMITIÉ. Article publicising the collaboration between textile brand Garro Editions and Isokon Plus with the re issue of the iconic Isokon Lounge Chair designed by Marcel Breuer in 1935. The new Friendship Chair showcases the original iconic chair design upholstered in a Garro Edition Fabric with a print based on Henry Moores lithograph Six Reclining Figures with Buff Background 1963 (CGM 50). Moore and Breuer were friends, meeting in the mid 1930's and both living in London in the interwar years.
The article provides a brief description of the relationship between the two friends and some background to the inspirations of both artist and designer.
Article publicising the exhibition 'Henry Moore: Shadows on the Wall' at The Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Drawings Gallery, The Courtauld, London, 8th June - 22nd September 2024. The exhibition of Shelter Drawings that Moore produced during the blitz, and which documented the many people who sheltered in Underground Stations, gives the article a vehicle in which to draw comparisons between the spirit of war time patriotism and the current challenges that Britain faces in the run up to the July 2024 election.
Chris Stevens, director of the Museum and curator of the show explains the significance of the small scale of the works, all of which are less than 30cm, and how these minature works held equal importance to Moore as his monumental works. A collection of 9 terracotta heads, never before seen in public, form part of the exhibition.
Article documenting the return of the Oceanic Sculpture A'a from the British Museum to The Museum of Tahiti for three years.
Discusses the history of the sculpture as well as reference to Moore explaining how he had admired A'a when visiting the British Museum in the 1920's and how he aquired a cast that remains on view in Hoglands.
Photograph of Moore with A'a 1978.
An interview with Laurence Sillars, Head of the Institute, outllining the various programmes, research, and educational opportunities offered toda, all built on the legacy of Henry Moore.
Short article to publicise the digitised collection of more than 400 posters featuring Moore's many shows to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Henry Moore's birth.
Quote from Emma Stower.
Feautures a selection of Poster images from the Foundation's online colelction - see https://catalogue.henry-moore.org/collections/44285/posters
Reference to Moore on the second page of the article which highlights the 1967 production of Don Giovanni directed by Gian Carlo Menotti, for which Moore was commissioned to design the set. Some critics at the time wrote that the set 'conferred a timeless quality', although others considered it particularly unsightly.
Discusses briefly some of those influences and the content of the exhibition.
A history of the British Council focusing on their exhibition programme "as an ambitious act of cultural dialogue".
References to Moore in chapter 2, Avant garde ambassadors.
Page 68 'Building the collection' includes reference to War Artists' Advisory Commission and the British Council's acquisition of shelter drawings.
Page 82 'The Sculpture of Henry Moore' includes reference to the first purchase in December 1947.
Page 85 'Moore in Venice' focusing on the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
Page 88 'Moore in Mexico'.
Page 91 'Moore in Greece'.
Page 94 'Sculptor as Cold Warrior' Moore exhibitions travelling across Europe to the fringes of the Iron Curtain.
Chapter 7 'Art for a dangerous world'.
Reference to Mary Moore on page 296 'Boundaries and limits'.
A guide to walking trails around Harlow.
Known as "Britain's first Sculpture Town" the trails encompass the collection of sculptures around Harlow including two works by Henry Moore.
References to Moore on:
Page 10. Moore's Harlow Family Group 1954-55 (LH 364) in the Civic Centre.
Page 11. Moore's Upright Motive No.2 1955-56 (LH 379 cast c) outside the Civic Centre.
Exhibition catalogue to accompany Drawn: 30 Portraits at Ordovas, 25 Saville Row, London, 6th June - 28th July 2023.
The second exhibition in a series which explores a range of techniques in twentieth-century and contemporary art.
Focusing on portraiture, the selection of works explores various drawing mediums and includes work by Henry Moore as well as other artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and David Hockney.
Reference to Moore on:
Pages 28 and 29 - Reclining Figures 1942
Page 66 - Reclining Figures 1942
Catalogue to an exhibition of works by Henry Moore and Alex Colville at the Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto, 14 October - 2 December 2023.
An introductory essay by Ray Cronin discusses the influence of Moore on Colville and compares their styles and processes, referencing Moore on pages 3, 4 and 5.
Moore works on:
Page 11: "Seated Figures II Pink Background" 1974
Page 21: "Four Reclining Figures"1974
Page 23: "Four Reclining Figures" 1974-1975
Page 31: "Figure in a Room" 1977
Page 43 "Two Figures at a Table" 1975
Page 47: "Seated Figure Back View" 1976
Page 53: "Open Work Basket Head" 1959
Page 55: "Seated Woman" (Verso)
Page 56: Henry Moore, Recent prints Curwen Gallery, UK. 1983
Page 57: Henry Moore, Royal Academy of Arts. 1988
Page 59: Henry Moore, Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto. April 1979
Discusses the content and inspiration behind the exhibition with a comment from Sebastiano Barassi.
Three Moore illus:
Two Piece Reclining Figure No.2, 1960 (LH 453)
Broken Figure,1975 (LH 663)
Large Totem Head, 1968 (LH 577)
The article describes Moores experience of producing his drawings of coalminers in Yorkshire 1941-42 when he was commissioned by the War Artists' Advisory Committee to record their contribution to the war effort.
1 Moore illus: Miners Pushing Tubs, 1942 (HMF 1933)
Article focusing on the cleaning of the bronzes ahead of the opening of the new exhibition "Vitality: The Human Landscapes of Henry Moore" at the Henry Moore Studios and Gardens in Perry Green, Hertfordshire, from 5 april 2023.
4 Moore illus:
Goslar Warrior, 1973-74 (LH 641)
Double Oval, 1966 (LH 560)
Three Piece Reclining Figure: Draped, 1975 (LH 655)
The Reclining Mother and Child, 1975-76 (LH 649)
References to Moore's art teacher Alice Gostick,and a short interview with HMF Director Godfrey Worsdale.
2 Moore illus: Large Two Forms, 1969 (LH 556) and a 1978 biographical image by Jane Bown.
A total of £100,00 to be given to 50 artists. Interview with Godfrey Worsdale.
1 Moore illus:
Large Two Forms, 1969 (LH 556).