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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James.

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0003608 Moore (Henry) Looking at his Work with Philip James;Looking at his Work with Philip James;JAMES Philip;MOORE Henry;Statements (Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James);Sound recordings (Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James);Slides (Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James);Monographs (Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James); Holes; War Drawings; Sculpture; Drawings; Natural objects; Family Groups; Drapery; Glenkiln; King and Queen, 1952-1953 bronze; Seated Figures; U.N.E.S.C.O. Reclining Figure, 1957-1958 travertine marble; Monumentality; Maquettes; Assistants; Commissions; Reclining Figure, 1963-1965 bronze; Nuclear Energy, 1964-1966 bronze Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James. Visual Publications London, New York and Toronto Originally issued 1969 with two long-playing gramophone records which preceded the cassettes. Booklet: Henry Moore Looking at his Work with Philip James. 12pp.Bibliog.List of slides.Text by Philip JAMES. (Outlines Moore's career, influences, themes, and some major works. Discusses Holes and form, War Drawings, and the scale and power of his later bronzes). Filmstrips: Two double-frame filmstrips, mostly in colour, and made originally for VP's Master Sculptors (See 0005604). Over 100 illustrations of Moore Sculpture and Drawings 1923 to 1964, together with some Natural objects and historical art works. Audio Cassette 1 Side A: Brief introductory discussion on Moore's early life and career, followed by comments on individual slides, encapsulating brief statements on themes, Italian art, holes, War Drawings, Family Groups, and so on. Audible signal indicating each slide. Audio Cassette 1 Side B: Same without audible beep. Audio Cassette 2 Side A: Discussion continues on individual slide images, and includes comment on Greece and Drapery, Glenkiln site; King and Queen, 1952-1953 bronze; Seated Figures; U.N.E.S.C.O. Reclining Figure, 1957-1958 travertine marble; Monumentality; Maquettes; Assistants and casting; Commissions for Lincoln Center Reclining Figure, 1963-1965 bronze and Chicago's Nuclear Energy, 1964-1966 bronze. Audio Cassette 2 Side B: Same without audible beep. Interview probably dates from about 1966.

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photo: Sebastiano Barassi
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