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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Vandrendstiller i skoler Viborg amt. (Travelling exhibition in Viborg County schools).

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0001348 Henry Moore: grafiske arbejder = media coverage of 0010271; Amtsforeningen Skolernes Kunstforening; DYRHAGEN Ahlmann Vandrendstiller i skoler Viborg amt. (Travelling exhibition in Viborg County schools). Visva Roslev Members' news-sheet for Amtsforeningen Skolernes Kunstforening, Viborg, with advertisement and features on touring exhibition of 30 Moore Prints (See 0010271) from Visva-Grafica.
7 DYRHAGEN Ahlmann. Henry Moore.
(Short text on Natural objects and Human figure in Moore's graphic work, and mention of the Elephant Skull and Sheep etchings. A short 1934 quotation by Moore appears on page 10).

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