Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Henry Moore: sculpture in the making.
0000719 Catalogues (Henry Moore: sculpture in the making);Leeds;NASH Elizabeth;GILBERT Christopher;FRIEDMAN Terry;WHITE Adam;Moore (Henry): sculpture in the making;Sculpture in the Making, Henry Moore; Henry Moore: sculpture in the making. Leeds City Art Gallery Leeds A pictorial anthology published on the occasion of the exhibition showing the relationship between Moore's working methods and the creative inspiration, at the Henry Moore Centre for the Study of Sculpture. The text consists principally of previously published statements by the artist and others which accompany the photographs. There is a foreword, noting acknowledgments by Elizabeth NASH and Christopher GILBERT; followed by a short Introduction by Terry FRIEDMAN and Adam WHITE noting the use of direct carving, modelling, and other processes of inspiration.
The Drama Studies and Creative Arts Department of Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education performed Narayana and Bhataryan on Friday 23 November 1984 at the exhibition. A 4pp List of Exhibits was also issued (See 0000720).