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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Ittingen: Henry Moore Shelter Drawings.

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Ittingen: Henry Moore Shelter Drawings.
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Bib. Number0016220

Ittingen: Henry Moore Shelter Drawings.

Place PublishedZurich
Date & Collation10 mins.In German.Sound recording.
More Information16 May 1994 broadcast coinciding with exhibition (See 0016097). Interviewer gives background information on Moore's wartime experiences with the shelterers and talks to Reinhard Rudolph from the Henry Moore Foundation. Quotes Moore on his fascination for the scenes in the Underground. Rudolph describes the artist's method of absorbing the scene and making brief notes, then producing the drawings from memory the next day at Much Hadham.
The sketchbooks and large drawings are described, and comparisons are made with the photographs of Bill Brandt. The humanism in Moore's portrayal of the collective situation, rather than portraits of individuals.
Markus Landert, curator of the Thurgauer Kunstmuseum, comments on the relevance of the works fifty years later.