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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Moore at the Tate.

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Moore at the Tate.
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Bib. Number0005306

Moore at the Tate.

Author/EditorTUCKER William.
Place PublishedLondon
Date & Collation(Oct) 124(1 illus).
More InformationComments at the time of the Tate Gallery exhibition of sheer mastery" (See 0005063). "It was Moore's Seated Warrior in the Holland Park exhibition of 1956 that decided me on a career of sculpture." Tucker feels "that what Moore has unselfishly given to British art by setting his ambitions and standards higher than any English artist for a century...has been at the cost of his own contribution to the evolution of modern art in general." Moore is seen as isolated from younger artists and Tucker calls for a dialogue between Moore and sculptors wishing to learn from him."