Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Moore Sculpture.
0015162 HAWKINS Jose E.;MATTINGLY Laverne;BRAME Mary Ann;NOBLES Regina;SINGLETON Paula;Public reactions (1992 Dallas);Vandalism and damage;Dallas; Three Forms Vertebrae, 1978-1979 bronze Moore Sculpture. Dallas Morning News Dallas, Tex. Five letters on Three Forms Vertebrae, 1978-1979 bronze.Dallas has killed itself with a mixture of backwoods politics and enforced multiculturalism (Jose E. Hawkins).It is worth nothing...let the kids climb all over it" (Mary Ann Brame).Clean out the downtown area of winos drug addicts and criminals" (Laverne Mattingly).While we seek to create wonderful places it is imperative that we also provide for those in our community who are in need" (Regina Nobles).Sell it". (Paula Singleton)."