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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Three British Artists.

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0009051 Leicester;HENDY Philip;Piper, John;Sutherland, Graham; Art for the People; Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts; British Institute of Adult Education Three British Artists. Leicester Museum and Art Gallery Leicester Exhibition of Moore, Piper and Sutherland, one of the Art for the People series organised for the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts by British Institute of Adult Education. Selected from Temple Newsam exhibition (See 0009049).
Henry Moore: 14 Sculptures 1923-1939 and 24 Drawings 1928-1941.
Hendy points out Moore's varied materials, and stresses the importance of nature. As a sculptor it is through her most elemental forms that nature moves him... To look at one of Moore's reclining figures in stone or wood is to experience the grandeur of his feeling both towards woman and towards earth."
Title as printed: 3 British Artists."

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