Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
We get the sculpture we deserve: Martin Luther King has been decapitated for the 'swarm'.
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Bib. Number0024284
We get the sculpture we deserve: Martin Luther King has been decapitated for the 'swarm'.
Author/EditorHARRINGTON Mary
Place PublishedWWW
Date & Collation(19 January)(No Moore illus)
More InformationThought prevoking online essay on the subject of public sculpture. HARRINGTON discusses the recently unveiled sculpture, The Embrace, sited in Boston to honour Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta Scott King. General discussion of the potential pitfulls of public commissions for artists, noting that post-war sculpture mavens Moore and Hepworth reflected a world stripped bare of anything too heroic, figurative, or ideological: one that had shed its dangerous fixation with the past, and pointed only toward a clean, innovative, universalist tomorrow. Notes political arguements for removing statues from public sites for moral issues. No Moore illus.