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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

How a now-defunct council scheme helped bring Henry Moore's art to the capital.

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0024268 How a now-defunct council scheme helped bring Henry Moore's art to the capital. New Zealand Thoughtful article marking the 40th anniversary of the Wellington Sculpture Trust. Notes that the Wellington City Council set up its Arts Bonus Scheme in 1983 to control the changing fabric of the inner city by offering building incentives to developers in exchange for the commissioning of publicart, amenities, or open spaces. States that the Sculpture Trust's founding Trustee, Dr Ian Prior was the driving force behind the ambition to bring a Moore work to the city and traveleld to the UK in June 1986 to meet with HMF and Moore, shortly before the artist's death. Moore's Bronze Form 1985 bronze (LH 652d) was selected. Notes the original cost was £300,000. The work was unveiled in April 1988 at Midland Park in partnership between the council, the Sculpture Trust and Fletcher Challenge. The work was later moved to the Botanic Garden in December 1995 and rests on the Salamanca Lawn. Artwork is incorrectly referred to as Inner Form throughout. Five images show the work in-situ and close-up.

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Bronze Form
LH 652d cast 5
photo: Ann Harezlak
LH 652d