Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Unsettling Landscapes: The Art of the Eerie
0024143 Unsettling Landscapes: The Art of the Eerie St Barbe Museum & Art Gallery Lymington
Catalogue for an exhibition focussing on "eerie representations of the British landscape" in 20th century art. One Moore work: Stonehenge V 1973 (CGM 212) (illus) on p.51, with commentary on Moore's interest in Stonehenge, and a comparison of Large Arch to the form of a Stonehenge trilithon. Moore's interest in Stonehenge mentioned on p.47 (introduction to the chapter "Ancient Landscapes: Shadows of the Past", which focusses on the representation of neolithic sites in modern British art). Moore also mentioned on p.99 (catalogue entry for Gertrude HERMES, Through the Windscreen 1929), as a "lifelong friend and supporter" of Hermes.