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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore Studios & Gardens: For Groups 2019

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0023932 Henry Moore Studios & Gardens: For Groups 2019 Henry Moore Foundation Perry Green Leaflet about group visits to Henry Moore Studios and Gardens for the 2019 season. Includes blurb for the 2019 exhibition Henry Moore Drawings: The Art of Seeing. Photographs of four sculptures, two drawings, Hoglands, the interior of the Bourne Maquette Studio, and an archival photograph of Moore drawing. Henry Moore quotes on sculpture and drawing.

7 results
King and Queen
LH 350 cast 00
1952-53, cast 1985
Large Figure in a Shelter
LH 652c cast 0
photo: Sarah Mercer
LH 192b cast 0
photo: Nigel Moore
HMF 82(359)