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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Cecil Higgins Art Gallery: Prints

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0023547 Cecil Higgins Art Gallery: Prints Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Bedford, England A richly illustrated hardback catalogue presenting the prints in the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection. There are some 300 illustrations of works from a wide range of artists including: Moore, Blake, Dürer, Bawden, Hockney, Hodgkin, Hepworth and Picasso. There is a foreword by Bamber Gascoigne. There is reference to Moore on page 19, in a quote from Edward Bawden about his student days in the early 1920s at the Royal College of Art, a "bumper year...Henry Moore side by side with those who just avoided the way, like Eric Ravilious and myself...". On page 108 there is a passing reference to Moore and the Modern Movement in the context of a work by Hepworth. On page 148 there is a full page image of Moore's lithograph Personages sur fond vert catalogued as Seated Figures 1957 (CGM 37) with accompanying commentary on page 149 of Moore's printmaking career, and reference to the Berggruen Gallery. Also on page 149 there is an image of Moore's etching Reclining Figure, Piranesi Background II 1979 (CGM 512) with commentary that includes references to Unit One, Paul Nash, Ben Nicholson, Gerald Cramer, Jacques Frélaut and to Moore having produced 719 prints from his studio between 1960 and 1980.

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