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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Coal: British mining in art 1680-1980.

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Coal: British mining in art 1680-1980.
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Bib. Number0010187

Coal: British mining in art 1680-1980.

Place PublishedLondon
Date & Collation.96pp.Illus.Chronology.Bibliog.Prefatory texts by Joanna DREW, Douglas GRAY, Norman SIDDALL, William REES-MOGG.
More InformationAn exhibition organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain with the National Coal Board and supported by Barclays Bank. Shown at City Museum and Art Gallery (Stoke-on-Trent) 1 Oct-6 Nov 1982; Glynn Vivian Art Gallery (Swansea) 13 Nov-18 Dec 1982; Science Museum (London) 8 Jan-6 Feb 1983; D.L.I. Museum and Arts Centre (Durham) 19 Feb-20 March 1983; Castle Museum (Nottingham) 26 March-1 May 1983.
7-42 GRAY Douglas. Art and coal.
(Mentions Moore's reluctant agreement to explore the idea of miners working on the war effort).
43-54 KANEFSKY John. The development of the British coal industry.
55-91 Catalogue.
(161 works by 90 artists, including five Coal Mine Drawings 1942-1943. Quotes Moore on claustrophobic conditions down Wheldale Colliery, Castleford).
92-96 Chronology, Index, Lenders, Bibliography.
There is a list-mention of Moore in the Foreword by Sir William Rees-Mogg, and three illustrations of drawings exhibited, one of which was featured on the exhibition poster and in a 6pp publicity leaflet. A Sketchbook was also on sale at the Science Museum, blank except for some statements by artists, including a quotation from Auden Poems, Moore Lithographs (See 0003835).