Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Bond Street and Battersea.
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Bib. Number0006365
Bond Street and Battersea.
Author/EditorBARO Gene.
PublisherArts Magazine
Place PublishedNew York
Date & Collation(Oct) 38(1) 32-34(2 Moore illus).
More InformationIncludes coverage of Moore and Bacon at Marlborough (See 0006297) and the Battersea Park Sculpture Exhibition (See 0006304). Henry Moore is predominantly the civic sculptor of our time. No other artist has evolved a style so suitable to large public statement...what may begin as landscape an object or mere creatureness resolves itself in human identification. The ponderousness and isolation of these sculptures their latent energy which is both earth-bound and buoyant their expression of inevitable relationship one part to another one figure to a group their lyricism and elegance evoke equivalences in the human condition. Viewing these sculptures one comes closer to the human.""