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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Der Künstler fürchtete um seinen Ruf. (The artist fears for his reputation).

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Der Künstler fürchtete um seinen Ruf. (The artist fears for his reputation).
Image Not Available for Der Künstler fürchtete um seinen Ruf. (The artist fears for his reputation).
Bib. Number0004315

Der Künstler fürchtete um seinen Ruf. (The artist fears for his reputation).

PublisherAbend Zeitung
Place PublishedMunich
Date & Collation(1 Feb)..(1 illus).Text in German.
More InformationHenry Moore was concerned that Large Two Forms, 1966 and 1969 fibreglass may become dirty, so Munich stored the work prior to Florence exhibition (See 0004285). Debate continues on whether or not to purchase it.