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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Remembering Poets: reminiscences and opinions.

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Remembering Poets: reminiscences and opinions.
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Bib. Number0009998

Remembering Poets: reminiscences and opinions.

Author/EditorHALL Donald.
Place PublishedNew York
Date & Collationxv,253pp.Illus.Bibliog.
More InformationPortions of this book originally appeared in Commentary." Texts on Dylan Thomas Robert Frost T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound with the Paris Review interviews of Eliot and Pound. Includes a paragraph on page 138. "Pound was an old man doubting the worth of what he had done... I mentioned to him casually that Henry Moore as a young sculptor had taken comfort from Pound's book on Gaudier-Brzeska... He was moved almost to tears; it was something he had not known before. I didn't have the idea that he knew Moore's work....but he knew Moore's reputation and he was touched by new evidence that he had done something worth while... 'There is no doubt that I have been some use to some people'.""