Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Henry Moore: Head-Helmet.
0001479 Moore (Henry): Head-Helmet;Head-Helmet, Henry Moore;Helmet, Henry Moore: Head;Catalogues (Henry Moore: Head-Helmet);Durham;HOLLIDAY F.G.T.;ROBINSON Stella;JOHNSON Nerys A.;KING Phillip;Heads theme;Assistants (Phillip King);Sculpture; University of Durham; Much Hadham; Spanish Prisoner, 1939 drawing; Helmet Heads; Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy), 1964-1965 bronze Henry Moore: Head-Helmet. D.L.I. Museum and Arts Centre Durham An exhibition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Durham. The theme...is the development of the head in Henry Moore's sculpture."
Phillip KING provides a short text on Moore's working day recalling his time as assistant to Moore at Much Hadham. Nerys Johnson provides a short introduction surveying the theme in Moore's work from the Spanish Prisoner 1939 drawing through Helmet Heads to Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy) 1964-1965 bronze. There is a brief quotation from Geoffrey Grigson's text to Heads Figures and Ideas (See 0007315). There is an informative commentary to most of the 81 exhibits (Carvings Bronzes Drawings Prints Tapestry) dating between 1923-1980 often incorporating statements by Moore or others writing on his work."