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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore and the Sea.

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0015445 BOWNESS Alan;DYER Angela;SUMMERS Julie;Moore (Henry) and the Sea;Sea, Henry Moore and the;Portland;Catalogues (Henry Moore and the Sea); Pallant House; Chichester; School House; Wighton; Kent; Norfolk Henry Moore and the Sea. Chesil Gallery Portland Henry Moore Foundation catalogue of exhibition also at Pallant House (Chichester) 30 June-19 Sept 1993 and The School House (Wighton) 28 Sept-15 Nov 1993.
13 bronzes 1959-1984, 23 Prints 1970-1984. Sir Alan Bowness outlines the background to the exhibition which resulted from a visit he made to Portland in 1991. The introduction outlines Moore's career and his interest in natural objects, incorporating quotations from the artist. Focusses on Moore's time in Kent, in Norfolk, at Much Hadham and on holiday in Italy. Individual exhibits are mentioned.
For revised edition 1994 see 0016087. This has a green cover, the revised edition a beige cover.

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