Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
A Landscape for Modern Sculpture: Storm King Art Center; text by John BEARDSLEY.
0000439 Storm King Art Center, A Landscape for Modern Sculpture;BEARDSLEY John;BROWN J. Carter;STERN H. Peter; Reclining Connected Forms, 1969 bronze A Landscape for Modern Sculpture: Storm King Art Center; text by John BEARDSLEY. Abbeville Press New York Colour photographs of Reclining Connected Forms, 1969 bronze appear on pages 19 and 62. Beardsley notes briefly that Moore's roots are equally in Surrealism and the massive stone carvings of ancient central America" and that the Storm King bronze "is subtly biomorphic suggesting organic forms with its lithe curves and bone sockets with its interlocking parts". There are other passing mentions of Moore by Beardsley Brown and Stern; plus a short biography on page 101."