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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

The Dallas Piece: it just fits the city.

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The Dallas Piece: it just fits the city.
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Bib. Number0002870

The Dallas Piece: it just fits the city.

Author/EditorMARVEL Bill.
Place PublishedDallas
Date & Collation(6 Dec)..(1 illus).
More InformationReport that Henry Moore was satisfied with Three Forms Vertebrae, 1978-1979 bronze siting, and comments from him on working from maquettes. It may seem to some people abstract but it's not. It's all organic form. You might say it's like a whale coming out of water. I have no objection if somebody wants to think of it in that way. Sea animals have to be smooth to go through the water or you might think it's something entirely different. The inspiration is life.""