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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

(Message from Henry Moore).

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(Message from Henry Moore).
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Bib. Number0002597

(Message from Henry Moore).

Place PublishedTokyo
Date & Collation35 mins.Colour.Sound.In English.
More InformationMade as part of 10th anniversary celebrations of Hakone Open-Air Museum. Views of Museum followed by scenes of London events at Howard Hotel and Café Royal. Sculptures by Moore are seen at Harlow, and in London settings of Battersea Park, Chelsea School of Art, Abingdon Street Gardens opposite the Houses of Parliament, Millbank, Brandon Estate, Stifford Estate, Birdcage Walk. Journey to Much Hadham, where sculpture is seen in studios and grounds of the estate; and Moore speaks articulately and in detail to interviewer on the maquette process, about King and Queen, 1952-1953 bronze, its detail and how the initial ideas developed. He comments on Materials, including the Mother and Child, 1978 stalactite and his awareness of their organic nature. Moore then comments on why he prefers the solid form of his sculpture to contrast with space, against the changing and asymmetric nature of trees and clouds. He expresses a wish to produce a sense of action into sculpture without actual movement. Finally he approves of the concept of an Open Air museum for sculpture, like Hakone.
Title romanized: Henri Mua kara no meseji.