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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Publisher: Heinemann
Place Published: London
Year: 1931
Date & Collation: xiii,192pp.34 plates.Text by T.E.HULME.
Description: Includes a Catalogue raisonné of the works of Jacob Epstein 1907-1931.
135-136 Henry Moore.
Two pages on Moore in a chapter entitled Past and Present in which Epstein gives his views on some great sculptors. Henry Moore is one important figure in contemporary English sculpture. If sculpture is truly the relation of masses then here is an example for all to see. Henry Moore by his integrity to the central idea of sculpture calls all sculptors to his side. What is so clearly expressed is a vision rich in sculptural invention avoiding the banalities of abstraction and concentrating upon those enduring elements that constitute great sculpture... Forces from within these works project upon our minds what the sculptor wishes to convey. Bound by the severest aesthetic considerations this sculpture is yet filled with the spirit of research and experiment. It contains the austere logic of ancient sculpture. Here is a sculptor who could produce monumental work and allied to an architecture worthy of its powers the result would be an achievement to look forward to. Even the smallest works of Moore have an impressive and remote grandeur.""