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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Ideas for Sculpture Drawing Book

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Ideas for Sculpture Drawing Book
Ideas for Sculpture Drawing Book
Ideas for Sculpture Drawing Book

Ideas for Sculpture Drawing Book

Dimensionspaper: 254 × 432 mm
Credit Linedisbanded - see individual pages for ownership
Object numberSKB 27
DescriptionDisbanded drawing book or pad of off-white lightweight wove paper 254 x 432 mm perforated along one edge where individual pages have been removed from the binding. Forty-sixpages have been ascribed to the book; all except HMF 1415, 1498 and 1502 are signed and variously dated 1939 or 1940, with four pages HMF 1430a, 1430b and 1431 dated 1938, HMF 1440a dated 1939 and HMF 1484a dated 1941. Another drawing HMF 1463 is probably a fragment page. The total number of pages is not known; many may be missing and it remains a possibility that one or more identical drawing books existed. Some pages, for example HMF 1428, 1430, 1431, 1482, bear the inscription S.P., which is almost certainly Moore's shorthand for Spanish Prisoner, see HMF 1467.
There is no known image of the original cover of this sketchbook, so the record has been illustrated with the earliest known page, Pictorial Ideas and Setting for Sculpture c.1939 (HMF 1415).
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