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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Artwork TypeDrawing
Catalogue NumberHMF 1237a verso
Paperlined cream lightweight laid
Dimensionspaper: 193 x 126 mm

pencil u.c. Drawings; u.l. (Many crossed out) (Most added) of my drawings are drawings for sculpture,/that is (they serve me as a kind of breeding & inserted) (a crossed out) sorting house for sculptural ideas,/but drawings (in different forms crossed out) (and inserted) sculpture are not/at all the same,(. . . crossed out) (they have inserted) many quite different possibilities/& qualities. It shouldn't be enough for a drawing to/be only a (one view inserted) substitute for sculpture. And I'd like/to think that my drawings ((not only the shelter drawings, but the sculpture drawings) inserted) exist in their own/right. (That crossed out) They may shed light on the carvings,/(naturally because they're done by the same person)/but I enjoy drawing as a means of expression/for its own sake. If the drawings help to clarify/or extend (the crossed out) appreciation of the sculpture,(well & good crossed out),/or if people get pleasure finding the connection between/them, well & good, but the 'drawings for/sculpture' are not meant to be (diagrams crossed out),/(or just crossed out) (only inserted) 'working' drawings or diagrams for/sculpture, (but to have some qualities of/their own. crossed out) (etc crossed out) or 'explanations'/of the sculpture, but are (often inserted) intended to/have some (purely pictorial inserted) qualities of their own./Use (of inserted) colour for its emotional effect, not its decorative/or realistic effect.

OwnershipThe Henry Moore Foundation: gift of the artist 1977
More Information

In the recto inscription 'Geoffs book' probably refers to The Arts Today, edited by Geoffrey Grigson (John Lane The Bodley Head, London 1935).

ExhibitionsPublished References
HMF 2555 verso
HMF 2568 verso
HMF 2887 verso
c.1937, c.1956
HMF 2556 verso
HMF 2557 verso
HMF 2554 verso
HMF 2552 verso
HMF 2564 verso
HMF 2886 verso
c.1938, c.1956
HMF 2549 verso
HMF 2559 verso
HMF 2560 verso