Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Sketches of 'Standing Figure'
Sketches of 'Standing Figure'
unsigned, undated
pencil top of page A full comprehension of form includes comprehending (the understanding of added) space./To (under crossed out) know (the crossed out) completely the shape of a form means to know also the shape of th(e)/space the form displaces/To (understand crossed out) grasp form three dimensionally is a slow developement (sic) –/(an emotional & intellectual developement); l.c.r. Forms in the open air look small(er) (smaller crossed out) than in the enclosed space of indoors The sky, the clouds the/landscape impinge on the sculpture/& (so crossed out) reduce its bulk & so/thin, linear sculpture gets lost –/It seems necessary to have some bulk/out of doors; l.l. Insurance/Price/£25
related works: LH 290, 291. Sketchbook 1950-51 p.101