Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue
Rzeźby Henry Moore'a. (The sculptures of Henry Moore).
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Bib. Number0007537
Rzeźby Henry Moore'a. (The sculptures of Henry Moore).
Place PublishedWarsaw
Date & Collation(17 June) 13,15(8 illus).Initialled A.C. Text in Polish.
More InformationComments on Moore's opinion that sculpture should be viewed only in the Open Air; with a description of King and Queen, 1952-1953 bronze and four detail photographs. Concealment of his true feelings under the royal mask has robbed the King's face of normal human features. The Queen gives an impression of compassion. Moore's drawings repeat the theme of a desolate landscape peopled by creatures of his imagination. There are three views of the Time-Life Draped Reclining Figure, 1952-1953 bronze giving rise to new thinking about the relation between sculpture and architecture.