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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Exhibition of National War Pictures (and a few pieces of sculpture).

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Exhibition of National War Pictures (and a few pieces of sculpture).
Exhibition of National War Pictures (and a few pieces of sculpture).
Exhibition of National War Pictures (and a few pieces of sculpture).
Bib. Number0008817

Exhibition of National War Pictures (and a few pieces of sculpture).

Place PublishedLondon
Date & Collation(13 Oct-25 Nov).54pp.Preface.
More InformationOver 1000 works, a larger selection of works purchased by the War Artists' Advisory Committee than had previously been possible, the majority of them having been circulating in the provinces, the Empire and the United States. It was anticipated that the National Maritime Museum, the Imperial War Museum and the Tate Gallery would receive many of the over 5000 works. 17 Shelter and Coal Mine Drawings by Henry Moore are listed.