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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Publisher: Royal Academy of Arts
Place Published: London
Year: 1987
Date & Collation: (15 Jan-5 April).458pp.Illus.Biog 418-448.Bibliog compiled by Krzysztof CIESZKOWSKI.Texts.Edited by Susan COMPTON.
Description: Exhibition book published by Prestel-Verlag (Munich), with distribution of the hardcover edition by Lund Humphries (London) and Neues Publishing (New York). See 0000050 for the German version produced for the exhibition at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. 310 exhibits by over 70 artists.
276-289,414.439-440,etc(25 illus) Henry Moore: 11 sculptures 1924-1961 and 11 drawings 1929-1942.
GORE Frederick. Introduction.
(Moore in artist groups of the 1930s, influence of his sculpture and reaction against it).
CAUSEY Andrew. Formalism and the figurative tradition in British painting.
(Moore's use of primitive influences).
CORK Richard. The emancipation of modern British sculpture.
(Moore as the outstanding British artist of his time. The influence of Epstein and primitive art, and his preference for landscape. Abstraction and Surrealism in the 1930s, shelter drawings. International success of his assistants).
HARRISON Charles. Critical theories and the practice of art.
(Influence of Roger Fry's Vision and Design).
ROSENBLUM Robert. British Twentieth-Century art: a transatlantic view.
(Moore as individualist, emerging as establishment figure. Power of shelter drawings).
ADES Dawn. Henry Moore, sculpture and drawings.
(Moore's inspiration from non-Western art, through which he developed his own approach to materials and vitality of form. His sympathy with the Surrealist movement, and the human figure as central to the themes in his work. Drawings as works of art in their own right, including the War Drawings).
BEAUMONT Mary Rose. Henry Moore.
(Biographical outline of Moore's career, incorporating brief quotations by the artist).
Moore is also mentioned briefly in the following shorter texts which introduce individual sections of the catalogue:
GORE Frederick. The resilient figure: Mark Gertler and Matthew Smith.
CORK Richard. The resilient figure: Dobson, Epstein and Gill.
COMPTON Susan. Unit One: towards Constructivism.
CAUSEY Andrew. Unit One: towards Surrealism.
CORK Richard. Aspects of sculpture in the fifties.
COMPTON Susan. Anthony Caro and sixties abstraction.