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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue


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Author/Editor: MOORE Henry.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1970
Date & Collation: Print album.
Description: Album of 136 pages with a total of 38 Etchings 1969-1970 (Cramer 109-146) in a total edition of 115. Preface by Henry J. SELDIS explains Moore's environment and use of bones and other natural forms as a source of inspiration. Moore's fascination with the strength and structure of bone forms is revealed in quotations by the artist. The gift of the elephant skull by Julian Huxley was logical, and Moore's interest in elephants and other zoo animals is recorded. The intricate use of etching as the medium to depict Moore's interpretations of the anatomy of the skull is described: you will be able to see a series of tunnels regressions shadows shapes and depth that are unbelievable."
For German translation of this preface see 0009836."
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1984
Date & Collation: 2 vols in box.Illus.Text in French.
Description: Portfolio limited to 570 copies, with 70 copies containing Head of Girl: Section Line, 1981 etching by Moore.
Vol. 1: Trente ans d'activité. (Cramer 1971).
38pp.Text by Arnold KOHLER. Lists exhibitions, prints and illustrated books 1942-1971, including three dozen Moore references. The text outlines the association between Moore and Gérald Cramer from 1962, including the Elephant Skull album (See 0004721).
Vol 2: Une nouvelle période d'activité 1972-1983. (Cramer 1984).
26pp.Text by Arnold KOHLER. Lists exhibitions, prints and books 1971-1983 with five dozen references to Moore. The text notes particularly the Sheep album (See 0003614), Girl Doing Homework graphic works, Helmet Head Lithographs (See 0003607), and Elephant Skull album, and the catalogues raisonnés of Moore's graphic work (See 0004025, 0003308, 0002131, 0010456).
Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work, Volume 3, 1976-1979, by Patrick CRAMER, Alistair GRANT, David MITCHINSON.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1980
Date & Collation: 421pp(191 illus).Entries 371-557.Title Index.List of Exhibitions.Index of Publishers.Foreword in English, French and German.
Description: Includes an Addenda to Volume 1 of the prints that were finished in 1972 but not printed by the end of 1975. This catalogue covers all the prints completed by the end of 1979. Includes the seven albums: Nudes (See 0003375), Seated Figures (See 0003376), Reclining Figure (See 0002892), Dante Stones (See 0002302), Trees (See 0002303), The Artist's Hand (See 0002301), 80th Anniversary Portfolio (See 0002891). Apart from the standard copies of this catalogue there has been printed a numbered deluxe edition of 200 copies, signed by the artist, 175 numbered 1 to 175, and 25 numbered I to XXV - variously containing Seated Mother and Child, 1979 etching and/or Two Reclining Mother and Child Studies, 1979 lithograph.
For Volume 1 see 0004025. For Volume 2 see 0003308. For Volume 4 see 0010456.
Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work 1931-1972, by Gérald CRAMER, Alistair GRANT and David MITCHINSON.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1973
Date & Collation: 436pp(209 illus).Entries 1-206.Title Index.Index of Publishers.Foreword by Alistair Grant in English, French and German.
Description: This catalogue starts with the earliest known prints and continues with all those made to the end of 1972. They are catalogued alphabetically within a yearly chronological sequence. Albums and books are placed at the end of their respective years. The description of each print begins with its title date and catalogue number which is followed by a complete list of particulars. On the opposite page polychrome works are reproduced in full colour whilst those in black and white are printed in black on a tone background."
Includes the Elephant Skull album (See 0004721) Prométhée (See 0008261) Meditations on the Effigy (See 0005093) Shelter-Sketch-Book (See 0005394) 5 Incisioni di Moore (See 0004519). Apart from the standard copies of this catalogue there has been printed a numbered deluxe edition of 200 copies signed by the artist 175 numbered 1 to 175 and 25 numbered I to XXV variously containing an etching Glenkiln Cross II 1972 etching and/or a lithograph Seated Mother and Child 1973 lithograph. Some of the prints carry captions by the artist e.g. "The elephant is the most remarkable living link we have with the prehistoric world."
For Volume 2 see 0003308. For Volume 3 see 0002131. For Volume 4 see 0010456."
Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work, Volume 4, 1980-1984; by Patrick CRAMER, Alistair GRANT, David MITCHINSON.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1986
Date & Collation: 387pp(163 illus).Entries 558-719.Title Index of Prints in Volumes 1-4, List of Exhibitions 1980 to 1985.
Description: Preface in English, French and German. Completes the documentation of Moore's prints up to his final works in 1984. Includes the albums: Sketchbook 1928: The West Wind Relief (See 0001543), Sculptural Ideas (See 0001886), Animals in the Zoo (See 0001001), Seven Ages of Man (See 0001031), Sketchbook 1980 (See 0000540), Mother and Child (30 etchings. 1988), Mother and Child (eight etchings. 1988). Apart from the standard copies of this catalogue there has been printed a numbered de luxe edition of 90 copies, signed by the artist, 75 numbered 1 to 75, and 15 numbered HC1 to HC15 - variously containing Head of a Woman, 1981 etching and/or Mother with a Child on Lap, 1982 lithograph.
For Volume 1 see 0004025, for Volume 2 see 0003308, for Volume 3 see 0002131.
Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work, Volume 2, 1973-1975; by Gérald CRAMER, Alistair GRANT, David MITCHINSON.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1976
Date & Collation: 394pp(209 illus).Entries 207-370.Title Index.List of Exhibitions.Foreword in English, French and German.
Description: Includes an Addenda to Volume 1 of the prints that were finished but not published by the end of 1972. This catalogue covers the works finished by September 1975. Includes the albums Stonehenge album (See 0003854), Sheep album (See 0003614), Helmet Head Lithographs (See 0003607), Reclining Figures Portfolio (See 0004096), Auden Poems, Moore Lithographs (See 0003835), La Poésie (See 0009943), and Girl Doing Homework graphic works. Apart from the standard copies of this catalogue there has been printed a numbered deluxe edition of 200 copies signed by the artist, 175 numbered 1 to 175 and 25 numbered I to XXV - variously containing Reclining Figures: Man and Woman II, 1975 etching and/or Seated Mother and Child, 1975 lithograph.
For Volume 1 see 0004025. For Volume 3 see 0002131. For Volume 4 see 0010456.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1958
Date & Collation: 56pp.Illus.Text in French.
Description: Stock catalogue 11, listing over 238 works by 51 artists.
30,52(2 illus) Henry Moore: one Print 1951 and two Sculptures 1928-1956.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1976
Date & Collation: 16pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Liste 57 of 135 items by many artists.
6,8,11,14-15(7 illus) Henry Moore: 13 entries 1966-1976.
Author/Editor: MOORE Henry.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: Print album.
Description: Portfolio of a total of 17 Etchings 1972-1974 (Cramer 196-201, 225-235) in a total edition of 95. Text by Henry MOORE: Sheep have always had some special meaning for me more so than cows or horses whether it is that I saw them as a boy in parts of the Yorkshire landscape or whether it's from reading in the Bible in early childhood where sheep have a special mention and not horses for instance I really would not like to say." The artist recalls how he retreated to a studio looking out on sheep while sculpture was being packed for a large exhibition. "Being like sheep they looked like sheep they had a sheepish look and they would just stare and stand still for nearly five minutes you could say in a professional manner so that I could spend longer trying to draw them..." The sketch book takes them through the lambing mother and child season through shearing with "the sheep looking less attractive less like sheep". Observation developed the sheep from simple balls of wool to more sophisticated studies. Etching produced a more sensitive line than drawing. Moore then provides a brief description of the works in the album and concludes with a note on his love of drawing and his use of forms from nature."
Author/Editor: MOORE Henry.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: Print album.
Description: Portfolio of five Lithographs 1974 (Cramer 356-360) in a total edition of 75. Preface by Henry MOORE. Short text describing how he was dissatisfied with some Helmet Head drawings and tore them up, only to realise the power of the single eye in the fragments. They were mounted collage form in a sketchbook. The Spanish Prisoner, 1939 lithograph is recalled, together with the first Helmet Head sculpture of 1940. Whilst working on these new prints I surrounded the head fragments with frames or window openings to give them the suggestion of soldiers observing the enemy from concealed positions behind battlements.""
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: (April-June).34pp(35 illus).Text by Arnold KOHLER in French (Henry Moore et la création de l'imaginaire).Statements by Henry MOORE in English.
Description: 39 Prints 1951-1975 and 11 Bronzes 1955-1975, all small pieces, maquettes or working models. Kohler describes the rich variety of works on exhibit, principally the inspirational sources of the prints.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1975
Date & Collation: 32pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Liste 56, of 243 items by many artists.
13-14,17,31(11 illus) Henry Moore: 17 entries 1950-1975.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1953
Date & Collation: 56pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Stock catalogue 9, listing 218 works by 37 artists.
29,51(2 illus) Henry Moore: one Drawing 1938 and two Bronzes 1952.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1989
Date & Collation: 4pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Catalogue of publications, including five Henry Moore titles, illustrated on the front cover.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1973
Date & Collation: (30 Nov)-1974(26 Jan).16pp(3 illus).Preface by Arnold KOHLER in French.
Description: 69 Prints 1931-1973. The short preface notes the publication of Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work 1931-1972 (See 0004025) and other 1973 exhibitions of Moore's prints.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1995
Date & Collation: 4pp.Illus.In French.
Description: Catalogue of publications, including four Henry Moore titles, illustrated on the front cover.
For earlier version see 0011321.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1973
Date & Collation: 4pp.8 plates.In English and French.
Description: Full title: Henry Moore: eight etchings and lithographs 1966-1973/huit eaux-fortes et lithographies 1966-1973. Cover title: Henry Moore: eaux-fortes et lithographies 1966-1973. Publicity brochure of eight prints offered for sale to celebrate the publication of 0004025.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1974
Date & Collation: 2pp.11 plates.In French.
Description: Publicity brochure of eleven prints offered for sale, including three by Henry Moore produced 1970-1973: plates 10-12.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1973
Date & Collation: 16pp.Typewriter script.
Description: Stock list 54 of 188 works by many artists.
8 Henry Moore.
Items 95-99 totalling ten Prints 1967-1971.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1974
Date & Collation: 20pp.In French.
Description: Liste 55 of 257 items by many artists.
10,17-18 Henry Moore: 13 entries 1957-1973.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1986
Date & Collation: 6pp folder(6 illus).In English, French and German.
Description: Publicity brochure for 0010456, using the dust jacket design as the cover.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1984
Date & Collation: 4pp(1 illus).Preface by Gérald CRAMER.Text in French.
Description: Prospectus for 0000759, with a full-page illustration of Head of Girl: Section Line, 1981 etching.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1976
Date & Collation: 6pp(6 illus).In English, French and German.
Description: Prospectus for Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work, Volume 2, 1973-1975 (See 0003308), using the design for the dust jacket of the book as the front cover.
Publisher: Cramer
Place Published: Geneva
Year: 1980
Date & Collation: 6pp folder(6 illus).In English, French and German.
Description: Prospectus for Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work, Volume 3, 1976-1979 (See 0002131), using the design for the dust jacket of the book as the front cover.