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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Vidéodisque Beaux-Arts. (Fine Arts Videodisc).

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Vidéodisque Beaux-Arts. (Fine Arts Videodisc).
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Bib. Number0011204

Vidéodisque Beaux-Arts. (Fine Arts Videodisc).

Place PublishedParis
Date & CollationVideodisc.Illus.In French.
More InformationBibliothèque publique d'information...vidéodisque réalisé en 1988 comprend 50,000 images fixes sur les collections des musées de France et des pays étrangers, sur des dossiers regroupant des õuvres d'artistes, sur l'art graphique, sur les grands mouvements de peinture et sur l'histoire de la photographie. (Public library information service...videodisc made in 1988 comprising 50,000 fixed images on the collections of French museums and of foreign countries, on files grouping together artists' works of art, on graphic art, on the important artistic movements and on the history of photography).
Includes 128 Henry Moore images, 44772-44900, mostly sculpture, copyright Scala and U.N.E.S.C.O., and a text by François LUXEREAU, Henry Moore ou la passion des formes (See 0003118). Outline of Moore's work in Much Hadham, London and Glenkiln, and comments on his sculptural form and use of natural objects.