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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Henry Moore: portrait of an artist.

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0002429 Moore (Henry): portrait of an artist;Childhood;Reclining Figure theme;War Drawings;Monographs (Henry Moore: portrait of an artist);Biography; Deutsch; Portrait of an Artist series; Sculpture; Drawings; Much Hadham; Leeds School of Art; Royal College of Art; Hampstead in the 1930s; Madonna and Child, 1943-1944 Hornton stone Henry Moore: portrait of an artist. John Read Whizzard Press London Published in association with André Deutsch Ltd.
Introduction to Moore's life and work in the publisher's Portrait of an Artist series, by film-maker who incorporates some statements by Moore from his films on the artist. The illustrations depict Moore's environment, Sculpture and Drawings, and personal photographs, particularly of the early years. The book is in eight chapters:
(Outlines Moore's pre-eminence and vast output, and describes the artist's estate at Much Hadham. Reminisces on Moore's personality, patience, and sense of purpose).
The Early Days.
(The family background, the landscape, war and education).
Opening Eyes.
(Outlines the art scene by 1920, Moore at Leeds School of Art, the Royal College of Art and early travels and first exhibition. Moore's personal reaction to the concept of sculpture).
Drawing Conclusions.
(The importance of drawing from the early life studies, through the sketchbooks and war-time work, to contemporary studies and prints).
Being His Own Man.
(Hampstead in the 1930s, Surrealism, Abstraction and biomorphism).
Reclining Figures.
(This theme evolved by 1926, and over the years developed with influences like Natural forms, Landscape, and Primitive and Greek art. The figure evolves formally into two and more pieces, and takes on symbolic power).
Monuments for Our Time.
(Short survey of works in public sites from the Northampton Madonna and Child, 1943-1944 Hornton stone to huge bronzes of the later years).
Looking Back.
(A brief summing-up of Moore's struggle to achieve financial and public recognition, his current working day, and his contribution to art).

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