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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

A wasp buzzed in Burlington House.

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A wasp buzzed in Burlington House.
Image Not Available for A wasp buzzed in Burlington House.
Bib. Number0008424

A wasp buzzed in Burlington House.

Author/EditorDENVIR Bernard.
Place PublishedLondon
Date & Collation(21 May) 11-14(9 Moore illus).
More InformationSurvey of Moore's career and achievement, at the time he was being criticised (together with Picasso and Matisse) by Sir Alfred Munnings, President of the Royal Academy. If you don't understand Chinese you won't like Chinese newspapers but that doesn't mean to say that Chinese newspapers are bad. To Sir Alfred apparently Moore's work is Chinese. But like a good many people he seems to hate anything he can't understand. The loss is his."
The issue of Illustrated dated 11 June 1949 carried half-a-dozen letters under the heading Monsters or Masters? commenting on this article. "Hideous freaks" "meaningless useless and cannot possibly be called art" etc."