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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Quand les artistes parlent du sacré. (When artists speak about sacred art).

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Bibliography Info

0006241 Religious art;Religious belief;Statements (Vingtième Siècle 1964);MOORE Henry; Permanence du Sacre; Madonna and Child, 1943-1944 Hornton stone; Upright Motive No. 1: Glenkiln Cross, 1955-1956 bronze Quand les artistes parlent du sacré. (When artists speak about sacred art). J.P Hodin Vingtième Siècle Paris Reports on conversations with artists in issue of XXe Siècle entitled Permanence du Sacré. Mentions the Northampton Madonna and Child, 1943-1944 Hornton stone, and Upright Motive No. 1: Glenkiln Cross, 1955-1956 bronze, and quotes Henry Moore: I believe that art in itself is akin to religion art is in fact another expression of the belief that life is worth living... I go further and say that artists do not need religion for art is religion in itself..."
Journal title as printed: XXe Siècle."

1 results
Madonna and Child
LH 226