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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Dynamic Dissonance in Nature and the Arts.

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Dynamic Dissonance in Nature and the Arts.
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Bib. Number0008007

Dynamic Dissonance in Nature and the Arts.

Author/EditorDANZ Louis.
Place PublishedNew York
Date & Collation261pp.Illus.Foreword by Merle ARMITAGE.
More Informationthe search for a rational path from Nature to the Modern arts." The opening chapter proclaims that all contemporary art revolves around Pablo Picasso Arnold Schoenberg Henry Moore James Joyce Ezra Pound and Frank Lloyd Wright. There is however little mention of these artists in the remainder of the book which is written in a particularly subjective prose style.
6-738-40(1 illus) Henry Moore.
Silhouette of a Reclining Figure across preliminary pages and short mention in opening chapter: "Womanhood! Mother! Mother Nature with the world within her. Imperturbable Mother she who quits our sobbings stills our terrors eases our sufferings. Mother Arcadia Mother Agapemone. And all this out of cold stone and bronze and lead and wood.""